Postgrado en Barcelona organizado por EMBT y Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC).
The course, teached by Benedetta Tagliabue together with a selection of professors from EMBT Office and UPC, aims to give you the necessary skills to develop an urban project from beginning to end, integrating theory, practice and design on experimental real projects, that are carried out in our office to explain how social urban regeneration is relevant to the present world’s challenges. Based on the thinking, methodology and work of Enric Miralles and learning techniques of Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, you will specialize on contemporary, sustainable and integrated urbanism, working in the same building of EMBT Office, and sharing its spirit, being part of all continued learning process.
Tuition Fee: 3.500€ Beautiful accommodation in EMBT Office building: 250€ for the first ten registered
Contact: +34 936 241 702 [email protected]
Fundació Enric Miralles Passatge de la Pau 10 (bis) 08002, Barcelona
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